Monday, April 26, 2010

Part 1 of Sunday

Urgh, busynya hidup lately . Afta 2 days baru boleh online and update . Saturday was a busy day for me as well, but i don't wanna talk about it . We'll just skip to Sunday's story . haha .

Sunday was a busy day also since i kne balik Melaka and all . So Sunday morning i woke up damn early cuz i had to bake cupcakes for Acu (Danish's uncle) . He requested some to give to his 'friend' .
haha . So, i woke up and terus pegi Pasar Raya and bought Castor sugar and 2 blocks of butter to make my cupcakes . I started making them from 9am and finished at 11am . Tu pun just the baking, blum lagi the icing . aha . Over all, i finished at about 2 pm and that time sumpah dah penat gila, so i tooked a little nap .

*the result from my effort . Ceh! ayat chum apa ja . haha . Its not that pretty, but I did my best tho . Still need alot of work and learning to do . aha

Afta my nap, I went over to Danish's crib to 'borrow' some money to isi Tria's gas . (suddenly decided to call my car Tria) aha . He was going out to OU with his sisters and dad, so i had to quickly drive pegi sana and take the money . Afta that balik umah, mandi and siap2 kan barang sume . I had to bring the kids to KDE so i was rushing gle that time . It was raining otw there but skejap je . haha . Afta sending them, I went to Kg Baru to send the cupcakes . Then bole pulak bergossip with Danish's mum . So funny . haha .

And then went to pick Nana up at her place . Tria's booties was full of our stuff ! Sumpah penuh gila . Tu pun blum campur with Teha's stuff . haha . Dah sumbat2 our stuff in Tria, then we were off to TTDI balik . I had to jumpe Danish cuz his mum pesan barang to send it to them . That time he was still at OU, shopping . I told him i was hungry so me and Nana went to pasarmalam and Popeyes . We bought kebab at pasarmalam and i had the delicious shrimps from Popeyes . I orded their cajun fries but they didnt send it to me :( time otw to Sg Besi baru sedar bout my fries . Sedih gile oh .

Wtv la kan . urgh . So, afta that we went over to his place . Send the things and
lovey dovey moments with him before we took of . aww . haha .

Sunday's story is too long so i had to make 2 posts . Part 2 of Sunday ;)