Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm in KL, bitch ;)

As usual, me and the girls balik KL on a Thursday . Terbangun lambat so gerak pun lambat . Bangun-bangun jea da pukul 3 . I was like "shite!" =O slalu chum ni . Plan nk balik awal cuz tak sabar nk jumpe Ashraf since yesterday(22/4/2010) was his 5th birthday ! hehe . But we manage to gerak like before 5 and sampai awal jugak la . Our journey chum nk berjalan jauh jea . Siap singgah 7-E beli slurpee and beli kuih-muih untuk dijamah on our way back . Our journey chum biase jeh . I was driving like 130km/hour . Sumpah x perasan how fast i was going cuz my car felt heavy . Probably our stuff and dalam kereta ade 4 people pulak . aha . We stopped at R&R Serdang to drop Teha there . She waited for her parents there then we continued our journey balik KL . Huda was asleep during the whole journey but sampai tol Sg Besi je die bangun . She said i drove laju and cepat . Funny, i felt i was driving slow and not how i used to drive . haha . Then titibe Huda said she terasa chum nak makan IKEA so we took her there .

(picture stolen from Nana's blog. Muahaha)

Me and Nana had hotdogs je while Huda had the meatballs . She wanted the hotdogs with mashed potato and coleslaw but they weren't serving 'em that day . Sedih jea . aha . makan makan makan borak borak borak Then it was time for us to go cuz Huda's dad is picking her up at Nana's crib . Kat luar umah Nana nampak Huda's parents tgh nak pusing kereta, tak masuk dalam pun . So, we got down and salam her mum and she took her stuff and she was off home . Before going to IKEA, Nana called her mum saje la konon nk tny kat mana la, bwat ape la . Poyo jea ! haha . Then, she started laughing . I pun tergelak cuz the way die gelak sumpah lawak gle . She told her mum she was going out to eat . Then her mum said "eleh, g makan kt ikea la tu" . (i think tht's wht she said) hahaha . Lagi la she laughed hysterically . I pun terikut gelak . haha .

Dropped Nana off then i terus balik umah . X sabar nak celebrate Ashraf's birthday . hehe .
Afta dinner, Danish picked me up at home and we went lepak-lepak . He drove Billy's white
Swift !! I was fuckin excited kowt ! i knew he was gonna drive that car . But when the car da depan mate, i was like SUPER EXCITED . Didn't even give Danish a hug or kiss . Sumpah lawak . haha
I told/begged him that i wanted to drive it but at first he was chum x kasi . Then i told him to stop at Komuniti and from there i took over the car . haha . i couldn't stop smiling . chum org gila pulak dah ! The car very the smooth and light but heavy at the same time ! Teruja gila ! Cuz i chum minat gle the car ! Evrytime i see a Swift on the road i'll go like
"heyyyy sexyyyy !!"
hahhaah . Finally dapat test drive the car . It was alright . Only its bigger, higher and wider than Satria babyyy . aha .

Gonna upload the pictures taken during Ashraf's birthday makan and his surprise cake appearance in the next post later . aha

Till then, ♥ ♥